“We may be floating on Tao, but there is nothing wrong with steering. If Tao is like a river, it is certainly good to know where the rocks are.”
“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”
“When the highest type of men hear Tao,They diligently practice it.When the average type of men hear Tao,They half believe in it.When the lowest type of men hear Tao,They laugh heartily at it.Without the laugh, there is no Tao”
“el tao que puede ser expresado no es el verdadero tao.”
“The Tao is (like) the emptiness of a vessel; and in our employment of it we must be on our guard against all fulness.”
“It is too facile to say that the way to follow Tao is to simply go along with the flow of life. Sometimes, like the carp, we must know when to go it alone.”