“A child, I'm miserable admitting it, a child stands like a priest under his father's sky. Why do you fate me to fail you?”
“Why does it always seem that I have only the shadow of my father? I'm like a child constantly grabbing at his coattails and missing.”
“God takes pleasure to see you take your little steps; and like a good father who holds his child by the hand, He will accommodate His steps to yours and will be content to go no faster than you. Why do you worry?”
“A father must take credit for his child, but never a child for his father.”
“A father knows his child's heart, as only a child can know his fathers.”
“Isn't it true that you start your life a sweet child believing in everything under your father's roof? Then comes the day of the Laodiceans, when you know you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, and with the visage of a gruesome grieving ghost you go shuddering through nightmare life.”