“Wake up America!The insurance companies took over health care!Wake up America! The pharmaceutical companies took over drug pricing!Wake up America! The speculators took over Wall Street!Wake up America!They want your Social Security!Wake up America!Multinational corporations took over our trade policies!Wake up America! We went into Iraq for oil!WAKE UP AMERICA!”
“Ah, Colorado: the one place in America where people wake up earlier on weekends than workdays.”
“America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you'll wake up to my kisses every morning.”
“It's time that America wakes up and take a moral stand against all violence especially that is committed against women & children. Violence is wrong and sadly will only produce more violence upon our nation and humanity.”
“Wake up! Keep waking up! Wake up more and more often!”
“The point is to wake up, not to earn a Ph.D. In waking up.”