“The future happens. No matter how much we scream.”
“No matter how many compromises were made along the way, no matter what happens in the future, a book is a thing to behold.”
“What really happened doesn't matter. What matters is how we agree to remember it.”
“no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. i will always be yours.”
“There are lots of things we never understand, no matter how many years we put on, no matter how much experience we accumulate.”
“Individuals had never much cared what had happened in the past, or would happen in the future, or how much others of their kind suffered or lacked. They did not care how many others died providing they lived. And government, to those who did not govern, had been largely a matter of indifference unless it happened to have a detrimental effect on the lives of individuals. Then, maybe, if the individuals had felt strongly enough, they had held protests, gone on strike, or started revolutions.”