“The only real job of a teacher, especially a writing teacher, is to help students find themselves.”
“Teacher cannot solve or heal all student stress. The teacher can be vigilant in trying to guide the child toward solutions;but the teacher's job in relation to this stress is ultimately to help the child learn to manage his or her own stress wisely. In accomplishing this, the teacher mentors higher academic learning by removing distracting stress, and teaches valuable life-survival skills.”
“If you are a student, try to be a teacher; if you are a teacher, try to be a student!”
“A Teacher is no good without the student and the student is no good without the teacher.”
“A student who considers everybody and everything as a teacher will eventually be the teacher of the teachers!”
“A good teacher knows that the best way to help students learn is to allow them to find the truth by themselves. Students don't learn by a mere transfer of knowledge, consumed through rote memorization and later regurgitated. True learning comes about through the discovery of truth, not through the imposition of an official truth.”