“What a writer needs? A friend. A friend that’ll accompany beside solitude itself.”
“A writer should be a recluse. Why share words with a few friends in the moment when they can be written down in solitude and shared with everybody at any time?”
“Doubt is the thing that’ll kill you, the only thing, and it’ll kill your friends, too.”
“A writer is a dangerous friend. Everything you say, all of your life and experience, is fodder for our writing. We mean you no harm, but what you know and what you’ve done is unavoidably fascinating to us. Being friends with a writer is a bit like trying to keep a bear as a pet. They’re wonderful, friendly creatures, but they play rough and they don’t know their own strength or remember that they have claws. Choose the stories you tell to your writer friends carefully.”
“Besides, there was no honor in betraying a loyal friend.”
“A friend is what the heart needs all the time.”