“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike.”
“A guilty suffering spirit is more open to grace than an apathetic or smug soul.' - Bread & Wine (day 5)”
“Man needs bread and hyacinths: one to feed the body, and one to feed the soul.”
“I think," she began quietly, "I think we want... not just bread for our bellies. We want more than only bread. We want food for our hearts, our souls. We want- how to say it? We want, you know- Puccini music.... we want for our beautiful children some beauty." She leaned over and kissed the curl on her finger. "We want roses....”
“You put your soul into those paintings, and nothing in this world is more beautiful to me than that soul of yours.”