“Why the coy drama? I want him and he wants me; who needs subtext?”
“Do you trust me, Pidge?”“Yeah, why?”“C’mere,” he said, pulling me against him. I stiffened for a second or two before resting my head on his chest. Whatever was going on with him, he needed me near him, and I couldn’t have objected even if I’d wanted to. It felt right lying next to him.”
“I define myself by helping others. This is what I do.Those people who want me to abandon my husband are asking me to put myself first and to judge him. The poor man has been judged unfairly by others. Why would I abandon him in his greatest need?”
“He is everything, everything, everything I ever admired and wanted and couldn't have. He is everything I needed and couldn't find in real life. Of course he is. That's why I invented him.”
“I want you to want me because you want me, not because of grief, not because he is not here. I want you to love me for me. I want you to kiss me first and not because you need me to help you, but because you need to kiss me.”
“I want your innocence. I want your blind, unquestioning devotion toyour father, your acceptance of who and what he is. I want you to look atme the way you look at him, knowing the worst. I want you to trust me,even when your brain tells you you shouldn't, I want you to ignorecommon sense and your lifelong need to protect yourself. I want you togive yourself to me, body and soul.”