“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.The person who really wants to do something finds a way; the other person finds an excuse.If you strip away all the excuses we dish up to God day after day, you’ll find they all come down to this: laziness.If you’re serious about making your one-on-one time with God a priority, you’ve got to be willing to tackle that ugly D word: discipline. Discipline is an integral part of being committed to some form of daily, routine encounter with God.Will you willingly ignore His invitation, throwing your alarm clock across the room, opting for more sleep? Will your good intentions get lost in a flurry of other important tasks? Or will you plan ahead, making sure you don’t miss the opportunity of a lifetime — make that eternity — and give your appointed time with your Heavenly Father the priority it deserves?Do you sincerely desire a personal, intimate relationship with your Lord?When we say we love God, yet make no time for Him in our lives, well—what kind of love is that?I ask myself if there’s anything more important than spending a few moments with my Jesus. The answer is always the same: nothing. Nothing is more important.I’m responsible for my own spiritual growth.Tragedy will always be a part of life on earth. We may not understand why God allows such things to happen. But we have a choice. Either we can turn our backs on God, even blame Him for these unspeakable heartaches, or we can hold on. We can refuse to let go, even against all odds. Even when our faith is tested beyond our human abilities. Even when nothing makes sense any more. We can hold on because God is our only hope.To say that “prayer changes things” is not as close to the truth as saying, “Prayer changes me and then I change things.”What will it take for you to go deep with God? All those silly excuses aside, what’s stopping you?”

Diane Moody

Diane Moody - “He that is good for making excuses is...” 1

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