“That pronouncement went over about as well as an all-vegan buffet at a Cattlemen's Association dinner.”
“When this is all over I'm going to found an association called 'The Knights of the Idiotic Table' and its purpose will be to arrange an annual dinner where we tell stories about Lisbeth Salander. You're all members.”
“Inviting the invading army over for dinner, buffet style, is a bad idea. Especially when I just took a bath in the last of your mac and cheese.”
“There is something about veganism that is not easy, but the difficulty is not inherent in veganism, but in our culture.”
“Diversity is like a buffet, only with people. That’s why I like associating with individuals who are as close to macaroni and cheese as humanly possible.”
“The ignorant pronounce it FroodTo cavil or applaudThe well-informed pronounce it FroydBut I pronounce it Fraud.”