“My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.”
“Conventional Wisdom" is certainly not wisdom, and only is conventional because foolishness is so common today.”
“Dear sirs, The cold war isn’t over. When national borders fail, the epidermis is the last line of defense. We are counting on you.Sincerely,Patriot”
“We were lining up and counting off nice and easy till you came stumbling through like a doped-up bull,' Minho responded.”
“Nature is our book," [Aristotle] would say. "It is the most sacred text we have. Line by line, reason will unlock the mysteries of our world, and once we understand them it will change the way we think.”
“This is tantamount to saying, "My hand is weak. I cannot draw a straight line,—that is, a line which will be the shortest line between two given points,—and so, in order to make it more easy for myself, I, intending to draw a straight, will choose for my model a crooked line." The weaker my hand, the greater the need that my model should be perfect.”