“Reality had settled in, and they're both still waiting to recover.”
“Men don't settle down because of the right woman. They settle down because they are finally ready for it. Whatever woman they're dating when they get ready is the one they settle down with, not necessarily the best one or the prettiest, just the one who happened to be on hand when the time got to be right. Unromantic, but still true.”
“Eric dreamed big but settled for reality.”
“A strange stillness had settled over him, as well, a waiting. The earth was shifting beneath him, and he had the hideous suspicion that his entire life was about to change if he didn't get out of there, now. Away from the unexpected, undeniable lure of the dowdy young woman in front of him.”
“I refuse to settle for what you call reality.”
“I hugged her because she was proof that Luke had good taste in women and he had settled on me which said a lot about both of us.”