“Science ClassWould you invent some irrational explanation for we lost souls that the glaciers aren’t really melting at all, that they are and will remain just as they always have been? Some rationale that claims the whole climate change scenario is really just a satanic plot, concocted by liberal secular humanists to trick the world into thinking that the glaciers have been melting for twice as long as the Bible says the Earth has been around.”
“...had just apologized to me. Hell must have been experiencing some climate change.”
“In the long term everyone traffics in foregone conclusions, and in the short term they just get drunk. This is the way it has always been. Some half-assed ambiguity masquerading as mystery is all anybody's really looking for.”
“He could melt glaciers with that smile. End wars. Resolve the national debt crisis.”
“There's no such thing as old-fashioned values. There are just values. Right has always been right and wrong has always been wrong...People have just lost sight of what's truly important.”
“We sometimes feel that we have been really understood, but it was always long ago, by someone now dead.”