“No matter how bad a state of mind you may get into, if you keep strong and hold out, eventually the floating clouds must vanish and the withering wind must cease.”
“I suppose it doesn't matter how they get out. All that matters is they do. And when they do, they must be found. They must go back.”
“Please keep in mind that no matter how strong, fast or coordinated you are, there is always someone stronger, faster and more coordinated.”
“When you rise quickly like a swallow, you must keep in mind that you may also fall fast like a stone!”
“No Matter how you try to cover up smoke, it must come out.”
“Magic must have meaning to hold power. You must believe in yourmagic or it is useless. Focus is the key. Focus your mind and your spirit.You must have a strong will to do what you must. Doubt causes weakness.Weakness causes doubt. Fear cripples us. Believe in your power and youwill become powerful.”