“i do not see why menshould be so proudinsects have the moreancient lineageaccording to the scientistsinsects were insectswhen man was onlya burbling whatsit”
“Nobody stopped believing that other people were more guilty than they were. Why do people have so much trouble seeing their own faults but such an easy time seeing everyone else's?”
“Son of man,You cannot say, or guess, for you know onlyA heap of broken images,”
“If a blind man were to ask me “Have you got two hands?” I should not make sure by looking. If I were to have any doubt of it, then I don’t know why I should trust my eyes. For why shouldn’t I test my eyes by looking to find out whether I see my two hands? What is to be tested by what?”
“I want a driveway so long you couldn’t see the end of it even if you were 26.1 miles into running a marathon on it. But why would you run? That’s why my clone will have invented teleportation.”
“Ahoy there, Lord Pegleg!" cried the Fool. "Why are you hopping on one foot?""And what would you have do on one foot?" the man asked. "Pirouette? Besides, if I were to untie my other foot I would move too fast for anyone to see me. Why, I would trip over the equator in one stride.""That's pretty quick," the Fool said."If you think that's quick," the man replied, "you should have seen me before the old arthritis set in.”