“You were perfectly fine.”
“Shane was born perfectly fine, despite the same genetic pairing. One in four.That's what their odds were. God gave Shelby SMA. Shane just got "gay".”
“You were perfect – perfect for me – and I love you”
“No on thought that they would be anything more or less than perfectly fine.”
“Accept yourself for what and who you are and you will be perfect within your own eyes. The opinions of others do not make your truths. There is always room for improvement but know what and who you truly are and all will be perfectly fine...”
“Fine,' Jared snapped. 'But if you try cuddling up to me tonight... so help me, O'Shea."Ian chuckled. ' Not to sound overly arrogant, but to be perfectly honest, Jared, were I so inclined, I think I could do better.”