“I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see”
“I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel”
“I am imagination. I can sea what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel.”
“I believe that there's more to life than what we see.”
“You cannot see what I see because you see what you see. You cannot know what I know because you know what you know. What I see and what I know cannot be added to what you see and what you know because they are not of the same kind. Neither can it replace what you see and what you know, because that would be to replace you yourself.""Hang on, can I write this down?" said Arthur, excitedly fumbling in his pocket for a pencil.”
“I can't control what you see or how you interpret what you see any more than I can control what you think of me.”