“And now, gentlemen, like your manners, I must leave you.”
“From all that I can collect by your manner of talking, you must be two of the silliest girls in the country. I have suspected it some time, but I am now convinced.”
“Playing the game means treating your dogs like gentlemen, and your gentlemen like dogs.”
“I want you in my bed. Gentlemen are boring in bed.”Good point. “Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you’re having a good time.”“I’ll make sure you’re having a good time, and that you’re okay with everything we’re doing. I just won’t be well-mannered about it.”
“You must be more gentle, dear, more sedate,' Ellen told her daughter. 'You must not interrupt gentlemen when they are speaking, even if you do think you know more about matters than they do. Gentlemen do not like forward girls.”
“Gentlemen are gentlemen in bed. They make sure you're having a good time.""I'll make sure you're having a good time, and that you're okay with everything. I just won't be well mannered about it.”