“We’re going to rectify the situation right now.”“What do you mean? What situation?”“Your situation. Ana, I’m going to make love to you, now.”“Oh.” The floor has fallen away. I’m a situation. I’m holding my breath.“That’s if you want to, I mean, I don’t want to push my luck.”“I thought you didn’t make love. I thought you fucked hard.” I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry.He gives me a wicked grin, the effects of which travel all the way down there.“I can make an exception, or maybe combine the two, we’ll see. I really want to make love to you. Please, come to bed with me. I want our arrangement to work, but you re­ally need to have some idea what you’re getting yourself into. We can start your training tonight – with the basics. This doesn’t mean I’ve come over all hearts and flowers, it’s a means to an end, but one that I want, and hopefully you do too.” His gray gaze is intense”

E. L. James

E L James - “We’re going to rectify the situation right...” 1

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