“My problem is I can think whatever I think—girl power, solidarity, Gloria Steinem rah rah rah — but I still feel the way I feel.Which is jealous. And pissy about little things.”
“Silflay hraka, u embleer rah!”
“Harold (about max): he looks kinda like a football couch Chester (sarcastically): Yay team rah rah. if he says anything athletic i'll scream max: want to jog?(chester screams). ”
“The problem is I can think whatever I think but I still feel the way I feel.”
“You’re my gold, nahna xaxsah is my hahnee rah. Kay jahnan nahna lisa, na uvan tee luh kay. Ana kay jahnan nahna pahnsahna, Circe. Kay nayeesan tee. Fahzah.You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.”
“na kalamat va na anche k bayan mikonand hich yek vagheiate bartar nist.zira bartarin vagheiat chizist k ba mohavere natavan b omghe an rah yaft.”