“Sex Ed - when I finally got to take it - was all about biology and birth control and nothing about anything that actually goes on between people.”
“I know when a couple are really in love with each other. And by that I do not mean just sexually attracted. There is too much talk about sex, too much attention is paid to it. I do not mean that anything about sex is wrong. That is nonsense. But sex cannot take the place of love, it goes with love, but cannot succeed by itself.”
“After dreaming about being in love for so long I finally got what it meant to actually be in it.”
“I realize that nothing is really normal. All it takes to alter normalcy is a death or a birth. Or just some misguided fear, love, or loneliness that never goes away.”
“If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi-good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you.”
“It's hard to take sex ed seriously when the teachers haven't even wiggled their stuff in this millennium.”