“احلامي صارت ثقيلة وغريبة ومليئة بالتفاصيل والألوان والحرارة والحروب والملامس المتباينة، وبعضها يشبه لوحات فنية ضخمة”
In this quote by Leila Al-Juhani, she describes how her dreams have become heavy, strange, and filled with vivid details, colors, heat, wars, and contrasting textures. She compares some of her dreams to large artistic paintings. This quote reflects the complex and intense nature of her dream world, showing how it is filled with a multitude of sensory experiences and emotions. It also suggests that her dreams may be a reflection of her inner thoughts, feelings, and subconscious desires.
Leila Al-Juhani, a modern Saudi Arabian poet and writer, vividly describes the weight and complexity of her dreams in the quote above. She eloquently captures how her dreams have become surreal, filled with intricate details, colors, heat, wars, and contrasting textures, resembling monumental works of art. This quote highlights the modern relevance of exploring the subconscious mind and using surreal imagery to convey deep emotions and experiences in a contemporary context.
Layla Al-Johani beautifully described her dreams in a poetic way, saying: "احلامي صارت ثقيلة وغريبة ومليئة بالتفاصيل والألوان والحرارة والحروب والملامس المتباينة، وبعضها يشبه لوحات فنية ضخمة."
As we reflect on Leila al-Juhani's words about her dreams becoming heavy, strange, and filled with vivid details and colors, we can consider the following questions:
“غريبة كنت معك ،وغريبة بدونك ،وغريبة بك إلى الأبد .”
“ماتت احلامي يا كل احلامي”
“الزمن قيمة فنية عظيمة في الأدب.”
“أبشع الجرائم ساعات كتير أوي بتكون أسبابها تافهة وغريبة”
“أبشع الجرايم ساعات كتير أوي بتكون أسبابها تافهة وغريبة.”