“A shaft of sunlight at the end of a dark afternoon, a note of music, and the way the back of a baby’s neck smells if it’s mother keeps it tidy,” answered Henry.“Correct,” said Stuart. “Those are the important things. You forgot one thing, though. Mary Bendix, what did Henry Rackmeyer forget?”“He forgot ice cream with chocolate sauce on it,” said Mary quickly.”
“I said to my mother, Henry VII is interesting. No he's not, my mother said.”
“What part did she give you?" Zoe asked her mother."Mary, the mother of God.""Talk about miscasting," Nelia said.”
“Lord Henry looked serious for some moments, 'It is perfectly monstrous,' he said at last, 'the way people go about nowadays saying things against one behind one's back that are absolutley and entirely true.”
“Death is the mother of beauty,” said Henry. “And what is beauty?” “Terror.”
“...I would have jumped out and run after you.'Is there a Henry in the world who could be insensible to such a declaration? Henry Tilney at least was not. With a yet sweeter smile, he said every thing that need be said...”