“You see, I am a poet, and not quite right in the head, darling. It’s only that.”
“Oh, my darling, it’s incredible, that someone so unforgettable should think I am unforgettable, too.”
“It’s true, and I was really hideous as a preteen. Tall and gawky. I used to bump my head into everything. Still do sometimes. (Kat)You are my daughter. (Acheron)Sure I am, I can’t imagine you ever being uncoordinated. (Kat)Oh, I assure you I’ve nailed quite a few signs with my forehead. It’s a wonder ‘Exit’ isn’t permanently imprinted right between my eyes. (Acheron)”
“Yes, darling, that is quite a nice frock, but the hankerchief is not only the wrong shade of grey, but quite damnably tied. Let me show you, my sweet.”
“Right then I should have also thought about the curve balls coming my way, but sometimes it’s really hard to see things until theyhit you upside the head. Then it’s too late.”
“I am starting a collection of only right-hand gloves. It’s ever so bourgeois to have two.”