“in heavenly realms of hellas dwelttwo very different sons of zeus:one, handsome strong and born to dare--a fighter to his eyelashes--the other,cunning ugly lame;but as you'll shortly comprehenda marvellous artificernow Ugly was the husband of(as happens every now and thenupon a merely human plane)someone completely beautiful;and Beautiful,who(truth to sing)could never quite tell right from wrong,took brother Fearless by the eyesand did the deed of joy with himthen Cunning forged a web so subtleair is comparatively crude;an indestructible occultsupersnare of resistless metal:and(stealing toward the blissful pair)skilfully wafted over them-selves this implacable unthingnext,our illustrious scientistpetitions the celestial hostto scrutinize his handiwork:they(summoned by that savage yellfrom shining realms of regions dark)laugh long at Beautiful and Brave--wildly who rage,vainly who strive;and being finally releasedflee one another like the pestthus did immortal jealousyquell divine generosity,thus reason vanquished instinct andmatter became the slave of mind;thus virtue triumphed over viceand beauty bowed to uglinessand logic thwarted life:and thus--but look around you,friends and foesmy tragic tale concludes herewith:soldier,beware of mrs smith”

E.E. Cummings

e.e. cummings - “in heavenly realms of hellas dwelttwo...” 1

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