“Alex, seated on her left, was one of those men who acted like he‟d been issued a certain number of words at birth and didn‟t want to run out. It took a little effort to get him talking,”
“She didn‟t look like the athletic type to me.” “Maybe Nemov carried her. He looked like he could.” “He looked like he could carry his SUV. I don‟t know why he didn‟t.”
“If this was my instinct talking, I didn‟t want to hear what it was saying.”
“Somehow, maybe I could heal her. Even as I thought it, I knew it was delusional. A person needed to want to get better, seek their own sanity. I wanted to be her therapy. I had a Christ complex. I belived I could be her saviour. The problem was, Jesus hadn´t left us, we´d crucified him. I´d forsaken her. She was the only one who could nail my heart to a cross.”
“my quote is that a guy name beastly theres a guy that has a wierd face and he loves her. so much and the women didn,t like him at all. then they get in love alot in the end.and then he gets his face normal.”
“Nothing‟s going to change, Jamie had said that day, but I‟d known even then this wasn‟t true. My mother had always been the point that I calibrated myself against. In knowing where she was, I could always locate myself, as well. These months she‟d been gone, I felt like I‟d been floating, loose and boundaryless, but now that I knew where she was, I kept waiting for a kind of certainty to kick in. It didn‟t. Instead, I was more unsure than ever, stuck between this new life and the one I‟d left behind”