“Better that one heart be broken a thousand times in the retelling, he has decided, if it means that a thousand other hearts need not be broken at all.”
“But because of his telling, many who did not believe have come to believe, and some who did not care have come to care. He tells the story, out of infinite pain, partly to honor the dead, but also to warn the living - to warn the living that it could happen again and that it must never happen again. Better than one heart be broken a thousand times in the retelling, he has decided, if it means that a thousand other hearts need not be broken at all. (vi)”
“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”
“Then his heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to turn to ice.”
“A heart can be shared.Who decided that a 'broken heart' was a bad thing?”
“You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand times,And at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you.But the reason why I'm broken, the reason why I cry,Is how long must I wait to be with you.”