“You're not standing on your head! Have a cookie. - Grimspite in Jinx on the Divide”
“Did you ever eat a whole box of cookies right in a row? Did you ever do that? I don't mean take them into your bedroom or something. I mean open them right up in the kitchen as soon as you get home from the store and eat 'em while you're standing there? Just stare at the toaster while you're eatin' a whole goddamn box of cookies?”
“What is that by your eye?” Cass asks, weaving her head around, trying to get a better look at this Jinx guy’s face. “Bwahahaha! Please tell me you didn’t draw a teardrop next to your eye? Oh, this is comic gold! Hold still, I have to get a picture of this for the guys!”
“So you have your price. Your soul for a cookie.”
“You're the right colour for the Angel of Death, Mister Cale. But a little short.' 'I could cut your head off and stand on it. Then I'd be taller.”
“A house divided cannot stand.”