“He had the effect on her of a window being thrown open and fresh air and sunlight being let in”
“Once the windows of the mind are opened, they can never be closed. Let the fresh breeze of thoughts come in now.”
“When his eyes rested on her, he stopped. He’d been smiling before, in a friendly fashion. But what lit his face when he saw her was more than a smile, more than a grin. It was as if someone had thrown aside the curtains of a sickroom on a glorious morning, to let sunlight spill into every darkened corner.”
“Between them was fifteen or so feet of frozen space, bounded by his window and hers, but it was as if the windows had liquefied, or else the air had, and his vision skewed and rippled and it was all he could do to put the Newport into gear and ease forward to let the next car in.”
“The French abhor drafts. They do not like the feel of the courant d'air , which is why they do not take it kindly when a foreigner opens a window on a train or a bus, which is probably why all the windows on the bus to Giverny were locked. Never think that, when you let in some fresh air in France, the natives won't hate you for it.”
“A woman of intense feeling, head thrown back, hair wild, lips open upon a cry of unbelievable pleasure.The enchanted.A warrior both disciplined and passionate, his whole being focused in the moment.The enchanter.Now he is bending down to her, drinking her cries .....”