“I don’t think I’ll be worth shit as a father, but I’m going to be here for you and our baby until the day I die. I want you to know that I was relieved that our baby is fine, and I was devastated when I thought you might have miscarried. I’m sorry; I was a jackass because I was scared shitless. When you fell, I was terrified that I’d lost you both. I want you to have the baby Delilah. I love you more than anything, and I’ll love the baby too. How can I not when it’s a part of you?”
“Are you sure?”“I’ve never been more sure about anything. I want this. If you can’t stay here, I’ll go anywhere you want to go.”“But Jack, you love it here!”“Don’t you realize I love you more? I need you in my life. You and our baby. God, Mel—I don’t care where that happens. As long as it happens.”
“Baby, you have no idea how much I love you or what I’m willing to do to keep you. I want you in my life more than anyone or anything else. Marry me. (Hunter)”
“Your second choice is to give me the chance to be everything you want in a husband and father. I want us to be a family, Ruby. I want to grow with you, learn with you, be with you. I want to love you and our baby, but whichever option you choose I want to be near this child forever. I’m done running from love. I’ve found it in you and I’m here to stay. I love you, Ruby Fleming.” -- Christo”
“I’mnot punishing you baby. I’m just struggling with this. He loves you Layla. It’s in his eyes when he looks at you. Every time I turn around he’s gazing atyou and I can see it. I should know. It’s exactly how I feel every minute of every day. He wants you and I’m terrified that one day you’re going tochoose him. I couldn’t take it Layla. I’m close to breaking point as it is with that fucker pushing every button I have. He needs to get it into his thickhead that you’re mine and I won’t let you go without a fight.”
“I was meant to walk on this earth with only you. I was meant to give only you every piece of me. I don’t want anyone but you. I love you. I had this whole speech, baby. I did, but as I’m looking into your beautiful green eyes, I can’t think of anything but the fact that I love you.”