“I try not to laugh too loud, afraid a bark-like noise will be mistaken by any great whites lurking in the area as the distress call of a juvenile seal.”
“You’re related to her?” I hear Mason say through the door. Then he laughs loudly. He has a great laugh. “Your name is Guy Love?” He barks out a laugh, louder this time. “Ironic, isn’t it?”
“I wonder if Seal got his name because it looks like his face was mauled by a Great White shark?”
“I think the birds in the area are dying laughing watching me try not to crash.”
“I’ve always thought that a big laugh is a really loud noise from the soul saying “Ain’t that the truth”
“I like someone who laughs, but not all the time, and not too loud. I like it when someone laughs at the world, and not at someone in particular — when some particularly absurd thing happens, not just someone falling down.”