“نقش: كل ما عليك عمله لتعليم طفل هو أن تعلمه القراءة وتتركه ، أي شئ غير ذلك فهو غسيل مخ …!!(إيلين جيلكرست)All you have to do to educate a child is leave them alone and teach them to read. The rest is brainwashing.”
In the quote by Ellen Gilchrist, the writer suggests that the most essential aspect of educating a child is teaching them how to read and then allowing them to explore and learn on their own. The statement implies that forcing children to conform to certain beliefs or ideologies is unnecessary and detrimental to their development. Gilchrist emphasizes the importance of fostering a child's independence and critical thinking skills through reading, rather than imposing one's own beliefs on them. This quote highlights the significance of empowering children to think for themselves and make their own informed decisions.
In today's fast-paced and information-driven society, the importance of critical thinking and independent learning skills has never been more relevant. Ellen Gilchrist's quote emphasizes the significance of providing children with the tools to learn and think for themselves, rather than simply controlling and dictating what they should know. As technology continues to evolve and access to information becomes more readily available, fostering a love for reading and empowering children to think independently is crucial in preparing them for the challenges of the future.
The quote “نقش: كل ما عليك عمله لتعليم طفل هو أن تعلمه القراءة وتتركه ، أي شئ غير ذلك فهو غسيل مخ …!!(إيلين جيلكرست)All you have to do to educate a child is leave them alone and teach them to read. The rest is brainwashing.” by Ellen Gilchrist emphasizes the importance of allowing children to learn independently and encouraging reading as a fundamental part of their education.
This quote challenges traditional ideas of education and parenting. Here are some reflection questions to consider:
“All you have to do to educate a child is leave him alone and teach him to read. The rest is brainwashing.”
“كل ما عليكِ عمله هو الانتظار، اجلسي صامتة وانتظري اللحظة المناسبة، لا تحاولي أن تغيري شيئا بالقوة. اكتفي بمشاهدة توالي الأشياء، ابذلي جهدا وراقبي كل شيء، إذا فعلت ذلك فسوف تعرفين تلقائيا ما الذي يجب عليك عمله.”
“من دواعي الإحترام بشكل عام ، أن لا تسخر من أي " شئ " لأن كل شئ يمثل "قيمة" لشخص ما”
“ أنما هو الحب هو الحب الذي يطمع في كل شئ و يرضى بأقل شئ، بل يرضى بلا شئ، بل هو سعيد كل السعادة ما وثق بأن بيتاًواحداً يحويه مع من يحب و يهوى. هو الحب ما في ذلك من شك، لكن الشك المؤلم المضني إنما يتصل بالقلب”
“علماء الإدارة يؤكدون دائمًا أن أول ما يجب عمله في أي مشروع في الحياة -إذا أُريد له النجاح- هو تحديد الهدف بوضوح”