“The StainThat Conner left on our lives willnot vanish as easily. I don’t careabout Mom and her birds.Their estimation of my brotherdoesn’t bother me at all. Neitherdo I worry about Dad andwhat his lobbyist buddies think.His political clout has not diminished.As twins go, Conner and I don’t sharea deep affection, but we do havea nine-months-in-the-same-wombconnection. Not to mentiona crowd of mutual friends. God,I’ll never forget going to schoolthe day after that ugly scene.The plan was to sever the gossipgrapevine from the start withan obvious explanation—accident. Mom’s orders wereclear. Conner’s reputationwas to be protected at all costs.When I arrived, the rumorshad already started, thanksto our neighbor, Bobby Duvall.Conner Sykes got hurt.Conner Sykes was shot.Conner Sykes is in the hospital.Is Conner Sykes, like, dead?I fielded every single questionwith the agreed fabrication.But eventually, I was forced toconcede that, though his woundswould heal, he was not comingback to school right away.Conner Sykes wasn’t dead.But he wasn’t exactly “okay.”

Ellen Hopkins

Ellen  Hopkins - “The StainThat Conner left on our lives...” 1

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