“My purpose in life. (Her Son)You are the making, the centre and the skin of my life. I couldn't adore anyone more.No one in this World can say that they educated me, changed me, yield me, broke me down, rebuilt me and strengthen me the way you can and have: and did it with love.You're the only one I can say I've had the pleasure of crying over, getting my heart stamped on by, living through the pain and recovering after it.Everything we've been through we will and have always come out on top: it's you and me kid.You are my Muse, my Heart, my Life and my Soul, and no matter the changes in life, my love, my dedication, my heart and my soul will never.Thank you for the ups and downs, thank you for my crazy smile and lets continue to face the World as we always have....together.”

Ellie Williams

Ellie Williams - “My purpose in life. (Her Son)You are...” 1

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