“ One of the most extraordinary things about about dogs is their total lack of self-consciousness. A dog never questions its own beauty, its own worth. A dog just accepts itself and lives for the moment.”
“its not about the dog in the fight, its about the fight in the dog!”
“A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner: Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all the time. When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, The one I feed the most.”
“. . . owning a dog always ended with this sadness because dogs just don't live as long as people do.”
“If you live with dogs, you'll never run out of things to write about.”
“Ever hear the one about that dog that spent its life chasing cars and finally caught one—and had noidea what to do with it?I’m that dog.”