“For this freedomI have given all I hadFor this darknessI gave my lightFor this wisdomI have lost my innocenceTake my petalsAnd cover me with the night”
“Ky is heavy in my mind, deep in my heart, his palms warm on my empty hands. I have to try to find him. Loving him gave me wings and all my work has given me the strength to move them.”
“I think I grew up that night. It might have been Patrick that lost his virginity, but it was me that lost my innocence.”
“If I have given my all and still do not win, I haven't lost. Others might remember winning or losing; I remember the journey.”
“The wind, one brilliant day, calledto my soul with an odor of jasmine."In return for the odor of my jasmine,I'd like all the odor of your roses.""I have no roses; all the flowersin my garden are dead.""Well then, I'll take the withered petalsand the yellow leaves and the waters of the fountain."the wind left. And I wept. And I said to myself:"What have you done with the garden that was entrusted to you?”
“I have never given my heart to anybody. I didn’t know I had one. But I gave it to you. That makes me vulnerable. I am at your mercy.”