“She's locked up with a spinning wheelShe can't recall what it was like to feelShe says, "This room's gonna be my graveAnd there's no one who can save me,"She sits down to her colored threadShe knows lovers waking up in their bedsShe says, "How long can I live this wayIs there someone I can pay to let me go'Cause I'm half sick of shadowsI want to see the skyEveryone else can watch as the sun goes downSo why can't IAnd it's rainingAnd the stars are falling from the skyAnd the windAnd the wind I know it's coldI've been waitingFor the day I will surely dieAnd it's hereAnd it's here for I've been toldThat I'll die before I'm oldAnd the wind I know it's cold...She looks up to the mirrored glassShe sees a horse and rider passShe says, "This man's gonna be my death'Cause he's all I ever wanted in my lifeAnd I know he doesn't know my nameAnd that all the girls are all the same to himBut still I've got to get out of this place'Cause I don't think I can face another nightWhere I'm half sick of shadowsAnd I can't see the skyEveryone else can watch as the tide comes inSo why can't IBut there's willow treesAnd little breezes, waves, and walls, and flowersAnd there's moonlight every single nightAs I'm locked in these towersSo I'll meet my deathBut with my last breath I'll sing to him I loveAnd he'll see my face in another place,"And with that the glass aboveHer cracked into a million bitsAnd she cried out, "So the story fitsBut then I could have guessed it all along'Cause now some drama queen is gonna write a song for me,"She went down to her little boatAnd she broke the chains and began to float awayAnd as the blood froze in her veins she said,"Well then that explains a thing or two'Cause I know I'm the cursed oneI know I'm meant to dieEveryone else can watch as their dreams untieSo why can't I”

Emilie Autumn

Emilie Autumn - “She's locked up with a spinning...” 1

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