“There is no reason why you should be bored when you can be otherwise. But if you find yourself sitting in the hedgerow with nothing but weeds, there is no reason for shutting your eyes and seeing nothing, instead of finding what beauty you may in the weeds. To put it cynically, life is too short to waste it in drawing blanks. Therefore, it is up to you to find as many pictures to put on your blank pages as possible.”
“When you wear the weed of impatience in your heart instead of the flower Acceptance-with-Joy, you will always find your enemies get an advantage over you.”
“Do not limit yourself to your own preconceptions of yourself, but throw yourself out onto a blank page that you haven't written on yet, and see what you find out about you, see what story unfolds, see what happens! I always do this, and sometimes it can be very frightening! To very often have a blank page with nothing written on it yet! I feel as though I am a soul with a single covering–my body of skin– and that's the only thing between me on the inside and the rest of the world! It's quite frightening to begin each day on a blank page, forgetting your own preconceptions of yourself and allowing your mind to embrace the new! It is like meeting yourself for the first time, over and over again!”
“You can come up with reasons for why you can't do something until you're blue in the face. Instead of wasting the energy coming up with those reasons, use that same energy to find ways to make it happen. You'll be surprised at your ingenuity.”
“Losing yourself in words is like finding yourself stuck in thepages. But never forget for every blank page you have theopportunity to release your own imagination.”
“A blanket can be a meditation device. If the blanket is white, and you stare at it, you can blank out your mind and find peace within yourself. ”