“A life to hold, or to see slip through uncaring and inattentive hands, but always a life. And given one, we wish for two, or three, or more, so easily forgetting the one we had was spent unwisely”
“She opened [the door] and slipped outside easily, while I clomped like a drunken racehorse after her.”
“He was so close she could almost hear the movement of his thoughts, the role of the tide; she had slipped inside his skin.”
“Afraid?" he growled, irritated she could affect his senses so easily. "No," she snapped. "Not even just a little?”
“It was endlessly tricky being in the know. It was a state Carmen had a achieved with a certain bravado, but she found it difficult to maintain. Without Jones, she could easily slip out of the know, relapse into her natural eagerness, and probably never get hired for another part in her life.”