“You have to see fate as a design, a pattern, and the will as the knife, the blade, the thing slicing through the fabric...”
“Why Paris? Paris needs no reason. Paris is its own reason.”
“Love is like a batik created from many emotional colors, it is a fabric whose pattern and brightness may vary.”
“Though griffe literally translates as 'claw,' Parisians have redefined it to mean 'stamp,' 'label,' or 'signature.' It describes the pattern of favorite cafes, shops, walks, meeting places, which each of us imposes on the city and which makes it uniquely 'our Paris.' A griffe is no trivial thing. As surely as a passport, it identifies one as a bona fide resident, with loves, hates, tastes, and prejudices.”
“Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.”