“I think buddy is man talk for sweetie.”
“Han?”“Yeah, sweetie.”“How do you teach a man not to be a noble, long-suffering, self-sacrificing idiot?”“I don’t know, sweetie. Mostly I shoot them.”“I’ll consider that.”
“Zanpano~: What are your buddies in central Scheming?!Mini-Enzy: SNUB I don't know...Zanpano: *Shaking jar Violently* TALK YOU INSECT SCUM!! TALK!! Frog man: YOU GO, ZANPANO! SHOW IT WHOSE BOSS!”
“Jane-Sweetie, we've talked about your weight-" my mother began.I'm only eight years old," I said. "How about I promise to be anorexic later?”
“Nobody asks anybody to be somebody. Man for himself and be yourself, buddy!”
“I been talkin' with my buddy, and he thinks I'm virgin enough fer the two of us.”