“In spite of everything, I still didn't miss high school. The real world, even with all its problems, suited me just fine.”
“I’m as bouge as the next person. My mother was a waitress and my father was a bartender. People think I went to Yale and shit, because I have a vocabulary and I wear a suit. I wear a suit because I aspire to wear a fuckin’ suit. I didn’t work my whole fuckin’ life to wear a Hello Kitty fuckin’ wifebeater up here.”
“If I meant to miss, and I made it, then I missed my miss. So I missed and I made it, rather than making it and missing it. That’s almost as frustrating as being in love!”
“We had reached the doors to my suite, which still felt awkward to say, even in my own head. My suite. Guys like me don't have suites. We have lairs.”
“I missed his voice in my head, in my ears. I missed his face. His smile.”