“Is that how you're going to take me? Scare me into voluntarily coming aboard, then steal my Ice Cube?""It's always cubes with you," noted Foaly, somewhat randomly. "What's wrong with a nice sphere?”
“I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass. ”
“She was so cold, she probably farted ice cubes.”
“For some parents, having children meant full absolution from any future mistakes. My father wouldn't permit himself to be wrong. He shifted the blame of misplaced scissors, rising interest rates, and iceless ice cube trays all unto Riegel and me.”
“The dog is not bored. It's not like he's waiting for me to give him a fucking Rubik's Cube. He's a goddamned dog.”
“There are few things more abrasive to the human spirit, even in Patagonia, than someone standing behind you chomping and sucking ice cubes.”