“Money matters but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.”
“Only a fool or philosopher would make sweeping generalizations about the nature of happiness. I am no philosopher, so here goes: Money matters, but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.”
“A story is based on what people think is important, so when we live a story, we are telling people around us what we think is important.”
“We haven't got the money, so we'll have to think”
“We have amazing sex, but I think it's more than the air of mystery that makes it so incredible. If we dated, that would be gone and when we broke up, I wouldn't have that option anymore. I don't want to lose it, it's important. It makes me feel powerful.”
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”