“For he was a sincere man, and in spite of his superficial airs and graces, at root a humble one. And it is always the humble man who talks too much; the proud man watches himself too closely. ”
“I claim neither liberalism nor conservatism - one tends to be airheaded while the other tends to be brickheaded.”
“Don't claim you're sincere, just be it.”
“Nowadays, as before, the public declaration and confession of Orthodoxy is usually encountered among dull-witted, cruel and immoral people who tend to consider themselves very important. Whereas intelligence, honesty, straightforwardness, good-naturedness and morality are qualities usually found among people who claim to be non-believers.”
“The primary condition for being sincere is the same as for being humble: not to boast about it, and probably not even to be aware of it.”