“Oh bats, oh bats, oh snacks with wings–Come and hear how Taggle sings!Oh squirm, oh squeak, my wriggly bats–You'll make a gift for lady cats!”
“Oh, no! I promise it's not human," Mom bats her hands in the air in an effort to wrangle them back into their seats. "It's newborn calf.""Oh, Hon, we don't do baby legs neither.”
“Oh No! My wings are effed up!”
“Oh Ducky!' said Johnny. 'Squeak to me!”
“What cat? Oh! MY CAT. The cat… that is mine. Oh, she’s... ” I had said it was a she, right? “She’s fine. All meowing and purring and other cat things.”
“Did you hear that?" Casper said."Bats," Cheyenne replied.Casper gasped with horror. "You know I hate bats," he hissed."Bats bats bats bats bats," Cheyenne said."Stop it! We're not kids anymore!" Casper shouted."This way, Braveheart.”