“Natural talent is a questionable phenomenon. Inclination perhaps, but innate ability is extremely rare.”
“Talent was not rare; the ability to survive having it was.”
“For the most part, "naturals" are myths. People who are especially good at something may have some innate inclination, or some particular talent, but they have also spent about ten thousand hours practicing or doing that thing.”
“Talent is extremely common. What is rare is the willingness to endure the life of the writer.”
“For almost a generation, psychologists around the world have been engaged in a spirited debate over a question that most of us would consider to have been settled years ago. The question is this: is there such a thing as innate talent? The obvious answer is yes. Not every hockey player born in January ends up playing at the professional level. Only some do – the innately talented ones. Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger role preparation seems to play.”
“Do you have the talent?' is rarely the question. 'Do you have the guts to finish?' is the real question.”