“If we don't see to it that our children turn out better than we did, what will become of the world?”
“Sometimes in our attempt to give children what we did not have, we forget to give our children what we did have.”
“We are all the product of our minds and why Gandhi said...Become the change we want to see. Because if we don't change our minds for the better...we will never see the changes in humanity.”
“We do not turn from our false gods to become God's children. We turn from them because we are.”
“I guess we're all, or most of us, the wards of that nineteenth-century science which denied existence to anything it could not measure or explain. The things we couldn't explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn't explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why it is. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world's attic, because we don't want them around us and we don't dare throw them out.”
“Don't trust children with edge tools. Don't trust man, great God, with more power than he has until he has learned to use that little better. What a hell we should make of the world if we could do what we would!”