“Aunt Fanny tells me you made great friends with Mr. Mottram. I'm sure he can't be very nice.''I don't think he is,' said Julia. 'I don't know that I like nice people”
“I don't like you with Becky. She's not a very nice girl.''I don't like you with Jake. He's not me.”
“There's nothing wrong with Sam," I said again. "He's...nice."Mercy groaned. "You mean he was too nice, don't you?""I'm not used to people being so nice to me. It was kinda creepy.""I'm gonna offer you some advice," Mercy said, leaning in closer to me. "When a boy is a gentleman to you and is actually nice, Amerie, you don't shoot him down. You don't call them creepy and chase them away! God, I don't know what to do with you.""Stop trying?" I offered hopefully.""Not a chance.”
“It's funny when people say, 'I don't think Julia likes me.' Honey, if I don't like you, you're going to know about it.”
“I'm serious, Mar, I don't know how to act around him now. I can't be nice, because he'll hate that. But I can't be mean just to be nice.""You really need medication.""I'm in a quandary. A Catch-22. I'm screwed.”
“I'm sarcastic and facetious. It's hard to find those people on the first encounter. I can be nice, but I don't want nice friends. I want funny, gregarious, sarcastic, and smart friends. It's so nice to hear you're not alone.”