“No, I`m putting it away, trying to buy a house for my family. The goal is to use the money to move into a big house, so my daughter can have a garden.”
“I uprooted my daughter and left my job and moved house for you, and you treat me like a hooker you don’t have to pay.”
“If I had kept my life simple - not moved to a big house with a big overhead and a lot of maintenance.”
“Luke Cage: "It's my house! I paid for it with my own money!" Iron Fist: "My money." Luke Cage: "His money, but it's still my house!”
“the big house and the nice suits and the other things that our money culture says you should buy ... betrays a poverty of ambition.”
“I tried to lighten the mood, and pointed at the house shoes - the last things I'd have expected to see Catcher Bell wearing. "And the shoes?" I asked with a grin."My house, my rules. These shoes happen to be comfortable," he said "If you two roamed around the house naked and carrying bows and arrows before I moved in, it's none of my business.”